cupcake in a jar

I may have said this before, but my girls and I are really sensitive to artificial ingredients in food. So I often bring along substitute cake or cupcakes to birthday parties, so we don’t have to pay for it for the next 48 hours. Well, tomorrow is one of those days. So then I thought, “Hey! The current cupcake-in-a-mason-jar craze is perfect for this!!”

I decided upon this cupcake recipe, because it only makes 6. We really don’t need 2 dozen cupcakes sitting around, when we really only need a couple. I didn’t try the frosting recipe, because I already had some left over in the fridge. As utterly delicious as the cupcakes turned out, though, I’ll bet the frosting is good too!

Here’s my 6 little cakes, baked right in the half-pint jars. When they were cool, I turned them out and cut them in half. I put the bottom half back in the jar, squeezed in some frosting, and put the top half in. Then I piped the frosting on top all pretty, and added some pink sprinkles. (I didn’t think about how much grease and crumbs would stick to the side after baking, so if you need them to be really really pretty you’ll want to wash the jars, as in the next photo.)IMG_2881

And here we are! One cupcake ready for traveling, soon as it has a lid. Isn’t it cute?IMG_2884

And for future reference: One half-pint regular mouth jar will fit in a pint single bag along with a Capri Sun and a fork. Just be sure to put the Capri Sun in first.IMG_2893I keep intending to make the 8yo a half-pint 2-jar bag – that would have been perfect for this! She could have brought a drink in a jar too. I really need to do that when I have a minute.

Hey, she knows how to sew now! I’ll just get her to make her own! 😉


8 thoughts on “cupcake in a jar

  1. How cute is that? ! I love it! …….and btw, it’s only 11:45 and she doesn’t need the bag until tomorrow right? 😉

    • Aw, shucks! Thanks! I do my best to make sugary stuff that’s not quite as bad as everybody else’s sugary stuff. ha!!

  2. I’ve never baked in a mason jar before…..did you just follow the same directions as if baking in a muffin tin? Also, have you tried freezing one of these and did it taste good once thawed? I’ve put leftover cupcakes in those little 1/2 cup plastic tupperware type cups and thrown them in the freezer before with good results. We’re Feingold too. Thanks for the idea!

    • I did not make any changes to the recipe to bake in the jars. They do get done a little quicker than in a pan, though, so keep an eye on them. (I had already found that to be the case when baking muffins in jars.)

      I have not yet frozen a cupcake in a jar; however, I freeze frosting and leftover cupcakes all the time with good results. (As long as you use them pretty soon, say within a month.) And I know that canning jars with straight sides can be frozen. I think it’s worth a try! 🙂

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